Tuesday, November 22, 2005

DAVID LETTERMAN'S Top Ten Things Overheard During The New York City Marathon 11/7/05

Just to add to the above post:

DAVID LETTERMAN'S Top Ten Things Overheard During The New York City Marathon 11/7/05

10. "Thousands of New Yorkers urinating in the street - - Typical Sunday"
9. "Only 25 miles to go"

8. "Wait, I could have taken a bridge from Staten Island to Brooklyn?"

7. "These wooden shoes were funny the first half-mile"

6. "Is that the finish line or crime scene tape?"

5. "Bus exhaust make daddy dizzy"

4. "Instead of carbs, I loaded up on Cool Ranch Doritos"

3. "Hello, Triple A? I'm at mile 23 and I need a tow"

2. "Help...Heart...Gonna...splode"

1. "Taxi!"


Race Participation
Record number of race applicants: 87,700
Record number of participants: 37,597
Record number of finishers: 36,894 (24,822 male and 12,072 female)

Professional Athletes

Top Women 2005
1. Jelena Prokopcuka (LAT) 2:24:41
2. Susan Chepkemei (KEN) 2:24:55
3. Derartu Tulu (ETH) 2:25:21

Top Men 2005
1. Paul Tergat (KEN) 2:09:30
2. Hendrick Ramaala (RSA) 2:09:31
3. Meb Keflezighi (USA) 2:09:56

Wheelchair Division
W: Edith Hunkeler (SUI) 1:54:51
M: Ernst Van Dyk (RSA) 1:31:10 NEW COURSE RECORD!


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