Tuesday, May 03, 2005

My Adventures With Lumpy and Pete- Part I

Yes, I know what you are saying. "Jessie is sure getting a slow start to this whole blogging thing. She is going to be one of those quitters." Well, you are right on the first part, I am getting a slow start. But I will not quit! I will get better, but let me explain my dilema. At first I was hesitating to post because everytime I had something to post I thought to myself, "Wow, you will really sound like a whiney bitch if you post THAT" and then I realized, I have fun ranting and it is one way of capturing how I see the world. Really, I just need to come to terms with the fact that my posts will usually consist of me ranting (a.k.a. bitching) about every little pathetic thing that I encounter big or small, you may very well hear about it. I mean, Also, ranting is sort of my type of humor. I'm only half serious when I do it and usually don't REALLY care- but it is fun to pretend that I do...and on the rare occasion that something is really bothering me well, I get a chance to vent.

So, because I have delayed posting, this entry may be a bit incongruent as I try to share all the tid-bits that have been boucing around in my head. Let's see. Maybe it will be easiest to type about my past few days.

I FINALLY went to the doctor after a few months of having a suspicious little friend (that we will call "Lumpy") hangin' out on my throat, specifically on what Emmons thought was my larynx and what later turned out to be my thyroid. So in this last week I learned this lump was on my thyroid and that the Ear, Nose and Throat doctor I saw was not very nice. After hearing I was going to need to have a bunch of tests (tests. ugh. just the world is ugly) and surgery to follow. Because of this we ( we being my parents, Peter (because he was involved on the whole driving up to Oregon thing) and I) decided it would be best to come home. Needless to say I was entirely packed and in Oregon 72 hours after the decision was made to come home.

Good things that came out of this:
1.) I learned that my life can be packed up, boxed and put into storage in a matter of about 7 hours.
2.) I got to make play lists and burn CD's as we drove, talk about on demand!
3.)Lumpy's exact size, consistancy and location will be determined on Wednesday morning. It is looking like surgery next Monday, but maybe this doctor will have a different plan. Good thing is just that progress will be made to get rid of my little friend.

I have more to write about my adventures, but I am tired. I will post more ASAP. Maybe add to my "good things" list and tell you about the horror that is shoe shopping.

Be Well,


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